If you are installing a new patio for your home, this can be exciting for you and your family. One thing you should consider is also installing a patio cover. This is an added expense but this offers a variety of benefits. You will also find information below about the different types of patio covers available. 

Patio Cover Benefits

One of the main benefits of installing a patio cover is it protects you from rain and other weather elements. You may enjoy hearing the sound of rain falling. A patio cover can also protect you from the sun's dangerous rays. This is not only beneficial for you but keeps furniture and other things on the patio in good condition. The sun can fade furniture and cause it to degrade faster. 

A patio cover can also keep things cooler for you if you want to sit outside during the summer months. You can add a fan to the top of the cover to provide you with some breeze. If you are worried about insects, there is netting that you can install that goes around the sides of the cover. The netting is see-through so you can still enjoy the scenery. This will keep insects off the food you may have on the patio. This is especially beneficial at night as it will prevent mosquitoes from getting on you. 

Types of Patio Covers

The type of patio cover you choose depends on the type of patio you have. For example, if your patio is connected to your home, a retractable cover works well. You can open and close this cover using a crank. There are also some that are electric, and you can push a button to open and close the cover. The material used for the cover is often a durable, waterproof vinyl, that comes in a variety of colors and styles. 

If your patio is separate from your home, you can put a pergola over it. This is a structure that is supported by pillars, columns, or beams. No other type of support is needed because pergolas are heavy. You can choose an arched roof for more aesthetics or a flat roof for the pergola. Install lights on the pergola for added aesthetics. You will find pergolas made of glass, stone, plastic, wood, or metal.  

Talk with a company that sells patio covers to learn more about these and other types that are available. 
